Nothing like face to face team building
May 21, 2021

As lockdown measures were further eased this week some team members took the opportunity to have fun and participate in wall climbing activity. In this article we aim to explain how we have adapted over the past 12 months and highlight that as we start to regain the many benefits that come from face to face interaction in the workplace, how a team building exercise can further accelerate that process and increase productivity of the company.

For the past twelve months we have been adapting our working practices to be able to work from home and ensure that business has not been disrupted (as the need to comply with product regulations does not stop in a pandemic). 

Now we are finally getting through the coronavirus pandemic, we are working out what the “new normal” looks like when it comes to how we work and like most businesses, we are aiming to strike a hybrid working arrangement whereby team members can work at home and in the office.

Putting aside the benefits that we’ve all gained from working from home i.e. we’re more tech savvy, gained from no commute times, have seen more of our family etc there is nothing quite like the connections created by face 2 face in a working environment.

Collaboration and communication are key to the success of any business and many of us are having to rewire our brains on having to do this face to face rather than behind a computer / phone.

Benefits of team building

Team building an essential part of the business and a brilliant way to get staff staff working together, motivated and to their potential. Below we’ve outlined some of the main benefits that we see as a business:

1. Better Communication. By putting people in a fun and relaxing environment outside the workplace, you will encourage everyone to relax, be themselves and open up to others.

2. Increased Productivity. By working together on a common goal, duplication of work is decreased, there is less friction and resistance, and therefore better output from each staff member.

3. Improved Morale. Team activities can help break down barriers between employees,  create and keep a good atmosphere in the office.

4. Trust. Getting to know your work colleagues better personally helps to develop trust.

5. Respect. While working together on problem-solving tasks and team games, a level of respect is gained between employees because they can see that their colleagues are there to help them and they can also identify skills and qualities that each other have.

6. An excuse to have lots of fun!

We want to wish all the best to our clients and peers in the industry as you head back into the workplace and recommend team building as a great way to re-connect, re-orientate and see another side of your colleagues that you haven’t been able to see over the past twelve months.

We certainly enjoyed ourselves and look forward to many more events in the future!

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